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3D Folded Blocks

With Esther & Geesje

Scrap Happy: selecting fabric based on value

Coloured diagrams make a book’s pages more attractive. However, when the diagrams for Scrap Happy were changed from grey scale to colour, our graphics expert wasn’t aware that this project is best served by grey scale, and we were so blinded by the pretty factor, that we didn’t realize what had happened until I was making the Night & Day block on page 77 with my Mom. So here’s a few tips.

1. Substitute the word “Value” for “Colour” in the cutting charts.

2. The codes represent value, A being the lightest and E, the darkest.

And 3. Ignore the colours in the diagrams, and refer to the photo on page 73 instead.






Any value











As an example, let’s look at Night & Day on your top right, and compare to the table on the left:

A = light cream (Steps 3,5&6 )

B = med-lt green (Steps 2&4), but also med-lt blue (Steps 3,5&6)

C = lt-med red (Steps 2&4), but also the dk-med green (Steps 3,5&6)

D = med-dk blue (Steps 2&4),

but also med-dk red (Steps 3,5&6).

E = dk brown (Steps 2&4)


Following the directions this way, my Mom and I made the second version, where

A = the very pale green

B = med-lt grey and med-lt red

C = lt-med yellow and med red

D = med-dk green and med-dk brown

E = dk grey


For this block, whether there’s much difference between A & B or D & E is not so important. However, there should be significant contrast between B & C and C & D. So separate your scraps from light to dark, look at the chart, the photo on page 73, and dive in!