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3D Folded Blocks

With Esther & Geesje

When Step 2 covers the basic square


Many of our favourite blocks are the ones where the basic square is completely covered by Step 2. In fact, just a little bit ago, I was helping my Mom make Night & Day, and she was having considerable trouble getting the centre points to meet properly. With a bit of “unsewing”, we managed to get things right, but, while I was mulling it over later on, I came up with a way to make it easier for quilters without a tutor in the family.







For Blocks like these...


Cock’s Comb

Night & Day

Twin Darts

Friendship Square

Wild Geese Variation

Twelve Triangles

Old Maid’s Puzzle


Winged 4-patch

Card Trick

Birds in the Air

Dutch City



Try this simple trick:

For Step 2 squares, cut

4 3/8” squares instead of

4 1/2”. By cutting these squares just 1/8” smaller, your points will meet in the centre and the raw edges will stay inside the basic square, making it easier to see that the pieces remain in place as you sew.


Dutch City is on the list because, like the others, its Step 2 pieces butt against each other. So instead of

3 3/4” x 4 1/2” rectangles,

cut 3 3/4” x 4 3/8”.

(Note that any patterns we print after May 2011 will have been adjusted accordingly.)

Esther’s Mom and her finished Night & Day